
Monday, June 28, 2021


This is my MATARIKI slideshow I gave a lot of information about Matariki. Some people think there is 7 Matariki stars but there is 9 Matariki stars and they are all sisters.

Monday, June 14, 2021



Long long ago when the gods ruled the earth, they caused the relationship between the two kings. 

 King Aegus of Athens was caring and kind

On the other hand, the king's minos of Crete were cruel and vengeful.

The son of king minos had been devoured  in a tragedy. 


Theseus, the son of king Aegeus, was a strong handsome man who loved adventure and could not resist a challenge. 


 Minos of Crete was  horrible and rude regtibley the son of king minos had been  whipped out of a  battle with king aegeus.

Near the deep sea the crazy city king minos had locked In the dark spooky prison a creature that half man half ball 


 The rage powerful beast sharpe's clores  in town.  hands his teeth were crazyley routen and sharp as a crocodile  ruten teeth big sharp pointy horns dirty sharp horns  and scary looking eyes   

Theseus was committed to kill the Minitour. 


Wind wafted through the ship's sails as Theseaus and his companions traveled to Crete.  King Minos and his daughter Airadine greeted the Athenians at the harbour. “Time to meet your fale!” 

King Minos declared a slow and painful death!

As the Athenians were marching labyrinth their hearts beating, their hands sweaty and their  feet pounding. 


Ariadne, whose eyes   were  not as pretty as a gem that was shiny and whose lips were not as red as lipstick, Had fallen in love with Theseus at first sight .

‘How can I rescue my powerful handsome love from this angry man eating beast ? she thought. “If you marry me I will help you survive  this dark prisen with this prison” she whispered.  


Airada gave Theseus a ball




I have done all of these puzzles I worked really hard on them I took some time off to do them. the top on I have done a lot the middle one is of unicorns The last and final one is a girl and a cat having a cup of tea. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 This week we are learning about the queen. There are lots of stuff about the queen like did you know that the queen has only been to new Zealand 3 times.There is more stuff about her too.



                  The Queens Birthday