
Friday, November 26, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021


 This week for Writing I am writing about buying a new iPad but I get in trouble 

Thursday, November 11, 2021


 This week we have been learning about science. Me and my group have been focusing on egg drop this is what you need for it. You need to make a protection so if it falls it won’t explode everywhere like a pillow that you can use under your parents permission or three big blankets to make the protection.

What you need:


Paper towels.


Link to Slide: Link

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 This week for math I was learning about 1,000,000. This is my pick a path i have put lots of good colourful things in it.

Pick a path

Friday, October 22, 2021


This Week in reading I was learning about heart words. Heart words are words you have to know by heart.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The cool measuring


This week we are learning about measuring a volume. This is how I have worked it out.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Title: Hobby buddies

Author: Hine

Hobby: Motor Bikes 

Hi i’m Hine,

My favourite hobby is Motorbiking. I have a whole lot more but I chose this one. I chose this hobby because I wanted to share a little bit about myself.

I started riding when I was 7 years old. I started off with the basics first and then I moved on to the harder stuff. I hope you enjoy my Journal.

Hobby Buddies

When I first got my motor bike it was a surprise. I really wanted a motorbike. At the time my brother and dad were already doing motorbikes. My dad taught me how to ride my motorbike. I got the hang of it and so then I went on to the competition. I meet new people on the way. One person I met was just learning, her name was Evie. We both competed until we met this boy Leo. So we all competed all together. When I was brave enough to ride in a competition I was really good. I started going up big hills, over stuff that I used to be afraid of.  I really wanted to push myself and so I came 1st place which made me really happy because I chose to push myself. 

I hope I gave you a good amount of me and my hobby. Thank you for reading my Journal.  


Sunday, September 5, 2021

How my lock down has been.

In lock down it was my birthday it was a bit boring but I got some pretty cool presents. I got lots of birthday money but that was not my favourite thing this year. My favourite present was my new scooter I really like it the colours of it is black and pink. This is a video of me on my new scooter behind me is my dog Axle he loves following me when I am on my scooter. At the end of the video I have added a jump it's not a big jump but I like to think it is so for the rest of the lock down I will be on my scooter.

  what are you doing in lock down? I am doing lots of stuff.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


This week we were using multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of a whole numbers. 

Grit and perseverance.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Why Junk food should be banned.

The reasons why I think junk food should be banned from school is because they are not healthy foods, They are bad for your teeth, They give you the wrong sort of energy to focus on your tasks, Most junk food create’s rubbish for the environment, If you have junk food and the other kids don't they might get jealous and cause argument´s, Most of the time junk food is more expensive than healthy food.                           

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021


This is my MATARIKI slideshow I gave a lot of information about Matariki. Some people think there is 7 Matariki stars but there is 9 Matariki stars and they are all sisters.

Monday, June 14, 2021



Long long ago when the gods ruled the earth, they caused the relationship between the two kings. 

 King Aegus of Athens was caring and kind

On the other hand, the king's minos of Crete were cruel and vengeful.

The son of king minos had been devoured  in a tragedy. 


Theseus, the son of king Aegeus, was a strong handsome man who loved adventure and could not resist a challenge. 


 Minos of Crete was  horrible and rude regtibley the son of king minos had been  whipped out of a  battle with king aegeus.

Near the deep sea the crazy city king minos had locked In the dark spooky prison a creature that half man half ball 


 The rage powerful beast sharpe's clores  in town.  hands his teeth were crazyley routen and sharp as a crocodile  ruten teeth big sharp pointy horns dirty sharp horns  and scary looking eyes   

Theseus was committed to kill the Minitour. 


Wind wafted through the ship's sails as Theseaus and his companions traveled to Crete.  King Minos and his daughter Airadine greeted the Athenians at the harbour. “Time to meet your fale!” 

King Minos declared a slow and painful death!

As the Athenians were marching labyrinth their hearts beating, their hands sweaty and their  feet pounding. 


Ariadne, whose eyes   were  not as pretty as a gem that was shiny and whose lips were not as red as lipstick, Had fallen in love with Theseus at first sight .

‘How can I rescue my powerful handsome love from this angry man eating beast ? she thought. “If you marry me I will help you survive  this dark prisen with this prison” she whispered.  


Airada gave Theseus a ball




I have done all of these puzzles I worked really hard on them I took some time off to do them. the top on I have done a lot the middle one is of unicorns The last and final one is a girl and a cat having a cup of tea. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 This week we are learning about the queen. There are lots of stuff about the queen like did you know that the queen has only been to new Zealand 3 times.There is more stuff about her too.



                  The Queens Birthday



Monday, May 10, 2021

Margaret mahy

This week we are going to Margaret mahy park we are going on a waka and to go see the eels in the water there are four rotations at Margaret mahy park for school. We are going to write something about Margaret mahy park and also some Maori  things the Maori Thing that we are going to learn is the.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

How To Make A Quality Blog Post

 This week we learned how to make a quality blog post. One important thing to remember is to introduce the goal and my learning and write some information that will teach the reader new things. I liked making a slide show and presenting it creatively. 

I hope you enjoy reading it. 

I have shown this in a slide show.

Do you enjoy blogging? 



Thursday, March 25, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021